Actually i’m very new newbie for both yii and php. I’m doing my graduate project on attendance management system web based on yii framework and php. For that i have some doubts which may seems silly for you.
The main blockage for me is to display all student names of a single class in a single view file with a checkbox to put present or absent.
to be in detail.
I want to put attendance for all students of a single class in a single view file.
for that i want to first display the names of all students in a class with the checkbox to put present or absent.
after selecting all checkbox the user has to submit.
after submiting the database should be inserted with new records for all students.
I hope the forum will help me to finish my project.
Glad you found it helpful. I know I did, and likewise when I completed a project in a day or so that we thought was going to take weeks, my boss and the customer were really happy
The database is not pretty much complexed. It is very simple…
The first table contains all the students details. like name, roll number, class etc.
I want to display these list in the create.php with a radio button to put present, absent or leave.
after selecting the required buttons, the user will click the submit button. when the user click it i want to insert all the student name with the selected thing.