Help Me To Write Relation For My Three Tables

I have three tables "tbl_image","tbl_cars","tbl_flowers"



| ide | Type | name |


| 5 | car | bmw0023.jpg |

| 10 | flower | rose8776.png|

| 12 | flower | lilly887.gif|




| id | name | speed |


| 5 | BMW | 200Kmph |




| id | name | color |


| 10 | rose | white |

| 12 | lilly | orange |


Please help me to write relation for model "Car" and "Flower"

Than u

is id in tbl_image primary key?

No…! "tbl_image" have no primary key… i need to pick images with matching type and id

By normal query we can select images of all car is

"SELECT FROM tbl_image, tbl_cars where tbl_image.ide = AND tbl_image.Type = 'car'"

so your relation would be something like this:

in car model:

'images' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'ImageModel', 'ide', 'condition'=>'type=car', 'select'=>'name'),

in image model:

'car' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'CarModel', 'ide', condition=>'type=car'),