Welcome to my site SNS haui.vn - yii framework
made friend
games apps
blog radio
games mini flash
Welcome coment, share and development…
Welcome to my site SNS haui.vn - yii framework
made friend
games apps
blog radio
games mini flash
Welcome coment, share and development…
I use memcached, redis, mysql, apc, casandra, …
very nice !! Good job !
Pretty fast site! Love it! ^^
How many server do you use?
Congrat… nice work.
Haui.vn 1 server, for 10.000 member.
Welcome all to gata.vn gameta.vn 300.000 member Viet Nam, i used 2 server
I use caching.
What is the difference between redis vs cassandra in your application? I see that you use multiple caching and database structure? Is there any specific strategy behind all of these things?
I use redis for store notification, message of user, cassandra for feed wall of user. Redis faster and smaller …cassandra. I use multipe caching and database: apc, memcache, page cache, … redis, mysql, cassandra,…
I think my project is good with all technology i use.
Haui.vn, gata.vn, gameta.vn
Build manage scalable web architecture… (nginx + apache + Yii PHP + MySQL + Memcache, Redis, Apc cache + jquery)
Manage and improve REST-based API for 3rd party developers
Design or code picture related Facebook appsDesign world-class iPhone, iPad, Mac and, Android apps
Games, web game, blog, feed wall, chat, music, fanpage,…
Thanks all!
well done !
quite fast congrats
for accessing cassandra , do you use php or some other languages ? if using php what lib do you use ?
Yii extension has lib for cassandra
could you give us the link , i can’t find it even use google