HAS_MANY and CListView

I am trying to do following but problem is that I am not getting the count right.

I have two Models with corresponding database table








(where productId is Foreign Key to Product.id)

In Version Model i have

public function relations()


   return array(

      'product' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'Product', 'productId'),



In Product Model I have

public function relations()


   return array(

      'versions' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Version', 'id'),



This is what I have in my product controller

public function actionIndex()


$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Product');



Now I have trying to display this in my View

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CListView', array(





In _itemview i want to show how many versions this product has. I tried following but always gives the count of 1. What am I doing wrong?


<?php echo CHtml::encode(count($data->versions)); ?>

<br />

Looks to me like the versions relation is wrong:

// in Products model

public function relations()


   return array(

//    'versions' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Version', 'id'),            // NO

      'versions' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Version', 'productId'),     // YES



Try this maybe?

Yes!!! That worked! Now I know how HAS_MANY works. Thanks. I actually want to little bit more than show count and now I can move forward.

ralation between product and version is has_many and belongs_to,

so your tables have foreign key between them.




-version_id //foreign --> Version_id if you use mysql, you can alter table product add constraint FK_product_version foreign key (version_id) references version (id) on delete cascade on update restrict;




-productId // the same to above

and if you want to get the count for versions of a product ,you can declear in your relations:

‘versionsCount’ => array(self::STAT, ‘Product’, ‘productId’),

and you can access in your product view:


if in version view:
