Gridview pager problem. pager doesn't look good

Hello there
I really liked yii2 and I’m trying to do something.

I used gridview, I’m pulling data, it occurs in the actions on the right. but the bottom pagers are not affected by css and bootstrap classes. However, I want them to look neat. What can I do for it. waiting for your help. thanks.

There is an incompatibility with boostrap here, I couldn’t understand why. When I download and install the current yii2 version and try, I cannot get the required image in paginations. page numbers look like plain text.

Hi, set pager classes by yourself (example is with bootstrap icons).

  $pager = [
            'firstPageLabel' => '<i class="bi bi-chevron-bar-left"></i>',
            'prevPageLabel' => '<i class="bi bi-chevron-left"></i>',
            'nextPageLabel' => '<i class="bi bi-chevron-right"></i>',
            'lastPageLabel' => '<i class="bi bi-chevron-bar-right"></i>',
            'linkContainerOptions' => ['class' => 'page-item'],
            'linkOptions' => ['class' => 'page-link'],
            'disabledPageCssClass' => ['class' => 'page-link'],
            'options' => ['class' => 'pagination  pagination-sm']

Related problem for gridview, when there is no proper html for filter inputs (when using bootstrap 4/5)
It is solved here