Gridview Not Refreshing Data

Hi everybody.

Can anybody help me? I am already very dissapointed by that. My Kartik GridView doesn’t refresh data on editable column submit. I went through all the details of Kartik’s posts and checked every possible documentation, and forum. Please help…Maybe the JavaScript is incorrect? Or the PJax setting? I followed Kartik’s instructions.

Here is my code.



echo GridView::widget([

'containerOptions' =&gt; ['id'=&gt;'cont1','style'=&gt;'overflow: auto'], 



'pjax' =&gt; true, 

'pjaxSettings' =&gt;






'dataProvider' =&gt; &#036;dataProvider,

'filterModel' =&gt; &#036;searchModel,



















.....some other columns


]); ?&gt;




have u code in controller or not?

if yes then copy here.


Yes I did. Here you have:


 * Lists all DirectMaterialCosts models.

 * @return mixed


public function actionIndex()


    &#036;searchModel = new DirectMaterialCostsSearch();

    &#036;dataProvider = &#036;searchModel-&gt;search(Yii::&#036;app-&gt;request-&gt;getQueryParams());

// validate if there is a editable input saved via AJAX

if (Yii::&#036;app-&gt;request-&gt;post('hasEditable')) {




    // instantiate your model for saving

    &#036;DirectMaterialCosts = Yii::&#036;app-&gt;request-&gt;post('editableKey');

    &#036;model = DirectMaterialCosts::findOne(&#036;DirectMaterialCosts);

    // store a default json response as desired by editable

    &#036;out = Json::encode(['output'=&gt;'', 'message'=&gt;'']);

    // fetch the first entry in posted data (there should 

    // only be one entry anyway in this array for an 

    // editable submission)

    // - &#036;posted is the posted data for Book without any indexes

    // - &#036;post is the converted array for single model validation

    &#036;post = [];

    &#036;posted = current(&#036;_POST['DirectMaterialCosts']);

    &#036;post['DirectMaterialCosts'] = &#036;posted;

    // load model like any single model validation

    if (&#036;model-&gt;load(&#036;post)) {

        // can save model or do something before saving model




        // custom output to return to be displayed as the editable grid cell

        // data. Normally this is empty - whereby whatever value is edited by 

        // in the input by user is updated automatically.

        &#036;output = '';

        // specific use case where you need to validate a specific

        // editable column posted when you have more than one 

        // EditableColumn in the grid view. We evaluate here a 

        // check to see if buy_amount was posted for the Book model

        //if (isset(&#036;posted['buy_amount'])) {

          // &#036;output =  Yii::&#036;app-&gt;formatter-&gt;asDecimal(&#036;model-&gt;buy_amount, 2);


        // similarly you can check if the name attribute was posted as well

        // if (isset(&#036;posted['name'])) {

        //   &#036;output =  ''; // process as you need

        // } 




        &#036;out = Json::encode(['output'=&gt;&#036;output, 'message'=&gt;'']);


    // return ajax json encoded response and exit

    echo &#036;out;



    return &#036;this-&gt;render('index', [

        'searchModel' =&gt; &#036;searchModel,

        'dataProvider' =&gt; &#036;dataProvider,




in my view:

<?= GridView::widget([

    'dataProvider' =&gt; &#036;dataProvider,

    'filterModel' =&gt; &#036;searchModel,

    'columns' =&gt; [

        ['class' =&gt; 'yii&#092;grid&#092;SerialColumn'],







            'editableOptions'=&gt; [

            'header' =&gt; 'profile', 





        ['class' =&gt; 'yii&#092;grid&#092;ActionColumn'],


]); ?>

and controller code is same as urs.

u can rectify by inspect element on link then go to network and u can see parameters.

Ok, will try…Thanks a lot.

have u used namespace in controller? if not then copy below line there.

use yii\helpers\Json;