GridView Filter Option

for example i have two tables A and B each have increment id, but not overlap each other,

Table A have id between 1 to 1000 And B have id between 1001 to 2000.

and also i have table three c. here i stored the id of A and B in one field , that is categorized by some status value, for example if status field is 1 mean the value is from table A, if value is 2 mean the value is from B.

i able to show the Grid view for table c, and value form A and B.

//i am using admin file for view the GridView

here is the code:

 <?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(









                    'value'=>'$data->category == (1) ? 







)); ?>

I Dont Know to How to Make filter option for this one.

Please share Your Thoughts , Because I am Lost More Time in This


see this link and try to get idea of that

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