Gridview Chtml::listdata

So here is my question, below is CGridView, what I am trying to do is pass the phase_id from the grid to the EditableColumn source: which is using CHtml::listData(COSTCODES::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("phase_id"=>1)),"id", "description")

Note when I use array("phase_id"=>1) a number for the id it works I just need to be able to pass the value from phase_id from the grid column…


$table_data = RatesPhase::model()->findByRatenamesPk($model->id);



//$model2 = COSTCODES::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('phase_id'=>$table_data[0]['phases_id']));


$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(


        'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'table table-striped table-bordered table-hover'),






                'viewButtonUrl'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("/RatesPhase/view/", array("id"=>$data["rates_id"]))'


                'updateButtonUrl'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("/RatesPhase/update/", array("id"=>$data["rates_id"]))'


                'deleteButtonUrl'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("/RatesPhase/delete/", array("id"=>$data["rates_id"]))'








                                          'class' => 'editable.EditableColumn',

                                          'name'  => 'cost_code_id',


                                          'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width: 100px'),

                                          'editable' => array(

                                                  'type'          => 'checklist',                                


                                                  'model' =>$table_data,

                                                  'url'           => $this->createUrl('costCodesRequiredJoin/create'),

                                                  'placement'     => 'right',

                                                  'source'                => CHtml::listData(COSTCODES::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("phase_id"=>1)),"id", "description"),

                                                'onSave' => 'js: function(e, params) {

                        alert("Saved value: " + params.newValue); console.log(params);








use $data->phase_id variable for the parameter

Unfortunately that is not working, below is the function I am using for the dataprovider

Model function

public function findByRatenamesPk($id)


		// Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that

		// should not be searched.

		$criteria=new CDbCriteria;






















		return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(





in the view dataprovider

 $dataProvider = RatesPhase::model()->findByRatenamesPk($model->id);

Try this:


// .....

'editable' => array(

    // ..... 

    'source' => 'js:function() { 

        return "'.$this->createUrl('CostCodeSource', array('id' => '__ID__')).'".replace("__ID__", this.getAttribute("data-pk"));


    // .....


// .....


// .....

public function actionCostCodeSource($id) {

    $model = SomeModel::model()->findByPk($id);

    $data = CHtml::listData(COSTCODES::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("phase_id"=>$model->phase_id)), "id", "description");

    echo CJSON::encode($data);


// .....


You are the champion. Thanks much!

Maybe someone can help me figure this out:

How to maintain what is checked / not checked.

I know that I could update the database by using the URL and passing the ids that I want to update with a for loop. No problem, but how do you maintain what has been checked and not checked.

just a little about the structure: This field is part of a gridview which is from model RatePhase which is included on a list view of model CostCodes and the checklist would then update a related model called CostCodesGroupRequired.

So right now I am able to send the data

I use a function in the RatesPhase controller to update the desired table from the checklist url

public function actionUpdateCostCodeGroups()

foreach($_POST['value'] as $val) {

	$connection = Yii::app()->db;	

	$sql = "INSERT INTO cost_code_groups_required 


                values ('".$_POST['pk']."','" . $val . "')";

	$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);


	//echo $val;


the source is:

public function actionCostCodeSource($id) {

    $model = RatesPhase::model()->findByPk($id);


	$sql = "SELECT, cost_codes_required_join.cost_code_id, as 

        ccr_id, COST_CODES.description


	LEFT JOIN cost_codes_required_join


        cost_codes_required_join.cost_codes_required_group_id = ".$model->cost_code_id." WHERE

	COST_CODES.phase_id = ".$model->phase_id;

	$count=Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM COST_CODES

	LEFT JOIN cost_codes_required_join

	ON AND          

        cost_codes_required_join.cost_codes_required_group_id = '.$model->cost_code_id.' WHERE

	COST_CODES.phase_id = '.$model->phase_id)->queryScalar();



	$aAry = array();

	foreach($rows as $row){

	$aAry [$row['id']] = $row['id'].' | '.$row['description'];


    $data = CHtml::listData(COSTCODES::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("phase_id"=>$model->phase_id)), "id", "description");

    echo CJSON::encode($aAry);

	//echo $sql;


The editable column


	'class' => 'editable.EditableColumn',

	'name'  => 'cost_code_id',

        'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width: 100px'),

	'editable' => array(

	'type' => 'checklist',	

	'model'=> $dataProvider,

	'url' => $this->createURL('UpdateCostCodeGroups',array('id'=>'phase_id')),

	'placement' => 'right',

	'source' => 'js:function() { return "'.$this->createUrl('rateNames/CostCodeSource',                                

                     array('id' => (('__ID__')).'".replace("__ID__", this.getAttribute("data-pk")); }',


	'onSave' => 'js: function(e, params) { alert("Saved value: " + params.newValue ); console.log(params);}'


Hi again,

I found a better solution without ID + js replace hack: you can use the $data variable in the htmlOptions because it is evaluated in the EditableColumn:


  'class' => 'editable.EditableColumn',

  'name'  => 'cost_code_id',

    'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width: 100px'),

  'editable' => array(

    'type' => 'checklist',  


    'htmlOptions' => array(

      'data-url' => 'Yii::app()->controller->createUrl("rateNames/CostCodeSource", array("id" => $data->id))'


    'source' => 'js:function() { return $(this).data("url"); }',





Use the binds in the SQLs - here it is dangerous (SQL Injection):

$sql = "INSERT INTO cost_code_groups_required 


  values ('".$_POST['pk']."','" . $val . "')";

$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);



$sql = "INSERT INTO cost_code_groups_required 


  values (:pk,:value)";

$command = $connection->createCommand($sql);


  ':pk' => Yii::app()->request->getPost('id'),

  ':value' => $value


or build by Yii:

$command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand();

$insertedRows = $command->insert('cost_code_groups_required', array(

  'phase_id' => Yii::app()->request->getPost('id'),

  'cost_code_id' => $value


This works in that it submits to the database, but it does not maintain what has been previously selected.

Any Help Would be greatly appreciated.

I am hoping someone can help me with this.

I had the same problem as Preacher and I managed to fix it with the solution given my Argent.

However, it’s not the PK I am looking to replace in the JS function.

As an example: -

replace("__ID__", this.getAttribute("data-pk"))

I want to replace() with a field in an attribute from the model called ‘artist_id_fk_nn’.

Can anyone help me with this? I need this solution for multiple TbEditableColumn columns so any help would be very much appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


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