Welcome back my new site: GLHF.it
I’m using the base blog demo, extended with some new features and with some other statics pages.
At the moment i’m using Yii 1.1.1 but i’m going to upgrade to 1.1.2
I also integrated Yii login and registration with SMF 1.1 system
I added some other features to my users:
add replay of starcraft 2: http://www.glhf.it/replay/add.html
list of replays with search: http://www.glhf.it/replay/list.html
add personal stream: http://www.glhf.it/ustream/add.html
list of streams with advanced search: http://www.glhf.it/ustream/list.html
I want to add some other cool features.
I want to leave SMF and go to IPB or VB or maybe create my personal forum with Yii
I want to add some kind of Clan Management
and Pool System.
Someone know if some people of yii has already developed a pool extension or a forum system with yii?