Giving Active Class To Anchor Tag Instead Of List Item Of Cmenu












Using this code I get <li class="active"><a href="">Some Text</a> applied to the menu item when its page is open

I want to apply active class to the anchor tag as well. How can I do that ?

What’s your reason for needing the class on the anchor? If it’s just for styling or for javascript, you can select the anchor without needing to assign the “active” class.

I want to give color and background image to the anchor. So I guess I need to use javascript to add some class ?

No, just use CSS. If you only have one level of menus, you could do this: a


    /* CSS rules here */


If you have multiple levels, you might want to only select the anchor tag that’s the immediate descendent of the li: > a


    /* CSS rules here */


Dear Shaani

The following rule will add the active class to the anchor element.


	array('label'=>'Home', 'url'=>array('/site/index')),

	array('label'=>'List', 'url'=>'',"linkOptions"=>array('href'=>CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('post/index')),'class'=>'active')),//You can set whatever the class you want.


To make the link really active (whenever the user is on a particular url, the corresponding menu item is also selected).

You have to overide the CMenu::isItemActive

protected function isItemActive($item,$route)


		if(isset($item['url']) && is_array($item['url']) && !strcasecmp(trim($item['url'][0],'/'),$route))





				foreach(array_splice($item['url'],1) as $name=>$value)


					if(!isset($_GET[$name]) || $_GET[$name]!=$value)

						return false;



			return true;


		//You have to add the following thing....


		    { $url=$item['linkOptions']['href'];



		         return true;



		return false;


//in your controller

$this->myMenu = array(









	array('label'=>'Sign Out', 'url'=>array('site/signout')),

