Gii thinks files and folders are there after they were deleted

Hello all,
I have created a model with Gii and created a CRUD after that, using the model.
Then I deleted the created view and controller and wanted to create the same CRUD with the same name. Gii thinks the folder and files which I deleted, are still there and I see in Gii under Preview the view folder and the files as if they were still there and the status is “unchanged” and not “create”.
I rechecked via ftp on the server if the folder or the files are there, but they are not.

Is there a file were Gii “saves” a status of the files and folders which I have to refresh?
Best regards

@keem it seems you have problem with View Path, from those form you must have your views on the public directory .
View Path requires absolute path or as alias like

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Worked out. Big thanks @imanilchaudhari. :smiley: