[请教] gii => Model Generator => Table 'break.account' does not exist.

数据库 帐号访问没有问题,只有使用 root 帐号才不会报错!为什么?请问怎么解决 Table ‘break.account’ does not exist?

Model Generator

This generator generates a model class for the specified database table.

Fields with * are required. Click on the highlighted fields to edit them.

Table Prefix


This refers to the prefix name that is shared by all database tables. Setting this property mainly affects how model classes are named based on the table names. For example, a table prefix tbl_ with a table name tbl_post will generate a model class named Post.

Leave this field empty if your database tables do not use common prefix.

Table Name *

This refers to the table name that a new model class should be generated for (e.g. tbl_user). It can contain schema name, if needed (e.g. public.tbl_post). You may also enter * (or schemaName.* for a particular DB schema) to generate a model class for EVERY table.

[color="#FF0000"]Table ‘break.account’ does not exist.[/color]

Model Class *

This is the name of the model class to be generated (e.g. Post, Comment). It is case-sensitive.

Base Class *


This is the class that the new model class will extend from. Please make sure the class exists and can be autoloaded.

Model Path *


This refers to the directory that the new model class file should be generated under. It should be specified in the form of a path alias, for example, application.models.

Code Template *

default (D:\yii\framework\gii\generators\model\templates\default)

因为刚接触 Yii, 可不可以通过 config 来解决?

目前解决,采用变通方法:设定需要生成 model 的 DB 名字为 db, 通过 gii 生成完后, 修改 model 的默认 CDbConnection

class Account extends CActiveRecord



 * Returns the static model of the specified AR class.

 * @return Account the static model class


public static function model($className=__CLASS__)


	return parent::model($className);


[color="#FF0000"] public function getDbConnection()


     return Yii::app()->db2;




