I have facing below error after install new extension
Unknown Property – yii\base\UnknownPropertyException
Getting unknown property: yii\web\Application::ldapAuth
while i have put code in web.php
‘ldapAuth’ => [
‘class’ => ‘\stmswitcher\Yii2LdapAuth\LdapAuth’,
‘host’ => ‘your-ldap-hostname’,
‘baseDn’ => ‘dc=work,dc=group’,
‘searchUserName’ => ‘’,
‘searchUserPassword’ => ‘’,
// optional parameters and their default values
'ldapVersion' => 3, // LDAP version
'protocol' => 'ldaps://', // Protocol to use
'followReferrals' => false, // If connector should follow referrals
'port' => 636, // Port to connect to
'loginAttribute' => 'uid', // Identifying user attribute to look up for
'ldapObjectClass' => 'person', // Class of user objects to look up for
'timeout' => 10, // Operation timeout, seconds
'connectTimeout' => 5, // Connect timeout, seconds
please share solution regarding that.