Getting started with modules

I tried:

[tt]yiic webapp testdrive[/tt]

I added

to the components array in the main.php config file.


[tt]yiic shell

>> module test[/tt]

I browse to:


And I get the familiar testdrive Welcome, Guest! page.

Finally, I browse to


and I get a Page Not Found exception with the message Unable to resolve the request "test".

I'm sure missed something horrifyingly embarrassing, but (I am embarrassed to admit) I can't find it.

What did I do wrong?


I tried:

[tt]yiic webapp testdrive[/tt]

I added

to the components array in the main.php config file.


[tt]yiic shell

>> module test[/tt]

I browse to:


And I get the familiar testdrive Welcome, Guest! page.

Finally, I browse to


and I get a Page Not Found exception with the message Unable to resolve the request "test".

I'm sure missed something horrifyingly embarrassing, but (I am embarrassed to admit) I can't find it.

What did I do wrong?

Have you enabled .htaccess?

'modules' should be outside of the 'components' array (because it is a property of CApplication).

That worked.  Thanks.

Ugh.  I spoke too soon.  It was working until I added

to the config components.  Now


again earns me a 404.

Please read “Hiding index.php” in http://www.yiiframew…uide/topics.url

Of course.  I must be getting old.  Thanks.