getting error in usin RSS feed????

Hi guys i m new to YII. i m using Yii1.1.6,windows,morzilla6.0,php5.0

I want to implement RSS feed in my application I follwed this url

I have table tbl_advert, AR, CRUD file for this table i have created

Steps i have done

1-downloded Zend framwork files

2-I put 'library / feed ’ folder in my app in protected/vendors/feed

3-In main/config file in ‘import’ section included this vendor like




4-In my AdvertController i put one action field like this—

public function actionFeed()


    // retrieve the latest 20 posts


        'order'=>'until_date DESC',




     // convert to the format needed by Zend_Feed

    foreach($posts as $post)














    /*echo phpinfo();exit;

    echo '<pre>';


      echo '</pre>';*/

    // generate and render RSS feed


        'title'   =&gt; 'My Post Feed',

        'link'    =&gt; $this-&gt;createUrl(''),

        'charset' =&gt; 'UTF-8',

        'description'=&gt;'My Advert',

        'entries' =&gt;$entries      

    ), 'rss');



in browser( i m getting following error(

[html]include(DOMDocument.php) [<a href="function.include">function.include</a>]: failed to open

stream: No such file or directory<div>/var/www/html/wikiwin/framework/YiiBase.php(421)</div><pre>{

<span class="ln">410</span> foreach(self::$_includePaths as $path)

<span class="ln">411</span> {

<span class=“ln”>412</span> $classFile=$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$className.’.php’;

<span class="ln">413</span> if(is_file($classFile))

<span class="ln">414</span> {

<span class="ln">415</span> include($classFile);

<span class="ln">416</span> break;

<span class="ln">417</span> }

<span class="ln">418</span> }

<span class="ln">419</span> }

<span class="ln">420</span> else

<span class=“error”><span class=“ln error-ln”>421</span> include($className.’.php’);&nbsp;</span></pre><div><span class=“Apple-style-span” style="font-family: monospace; white-space: pre; "><span class=“ln”>422</span> }</span>[/html]</div><div>&nbsp;Plz help ASAP????



I am also facing the same issue!

Any solutions?