Getopt Is Not Working In Console Command


I was working on the project and needed to write console command to do some stuff.

I needed to work with options and I decided to use getopt.

But I faced unexpected problem, getopt returns empty array.

Here is the sample code of run method:

$options = 'd:u:p::c:';

$longoptions = array(






$parameters = getopt($options, $longoptions);


And here is the output:

protected/yiic somescript -d test

array(0) {


If parameters set was wrong, I would simply get false.

I’ve put the same code into raw php file and it works well.

$ php /tmp/test.php -d test

array(1) {

  'd' =>

  string(4) "test"


Here is the content:

$ cat /tmp/test.php 


$options = 'd:u:p::c:';

$longoptions = array(






$parameters = getopt($options, $longoptions);


What am I doing wrong and how can this be solved?