Get var inside behavior

How can I set var $types inside static method ‘create’ so that my attached behavior can use its value later on saving model Photo?

class Photo extends ActiveRecord


    private static $types;

    public static function create($file, $title, $alt, $type): self


        $photo = new static();

        $photo->file = $file;

        $photo->title = $title;

        $photo->alt = $alt;

        self::$types = $type;

        return $photo;


    public function behaviors()



        return [ 'some behavior attributes' ];



here you go


class Photo extends ActiveRecord


    public $types;

    public static function create($file, $title, $alt, $type): self


        $photo = new static();

        $photo->file = $file;

        $photo->title = $title;

        $photo->alt = $alt;

        // set types property

        $photo->types = $type;

        return $photo;


    public function behaviors()



        return [ 'some behavior attributes' ];



note: your behaviors might be attached before you call create so be careful yii provides access to the context object through $this->owner property inside the behavior allows you to access the owner object.

Thank you, I will note ‘$this->owner property’ tip.