get selected column in gridview

hello , I have a problem in getting the selected row using kartik grid view. Here is my code :

[size="6"]the view:[/size]

<?= GridView::widget([

    'dataProvider'=> $dataProvider,

    'filterModel' => $searchInstance,

		'containerOptions' => ['class' => 'instance-pjax-container'],



		'export' => false,

    'columns' => [

            ['class' => 'yii\grid\SerialColumn'],






		    ['class' => 'yii\grid\CheckboxColumn'],

            ['class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn'],





  <?= Html::SubmitButton( 'Affecter', [ 'class' => 'btn btn-success' , 'id' =>'x']) ?>    






$script = <<< JS

$(function () {






        pk : $('#instance-pjax-container').yiiGridView('getSelectedRows')


    function () {












[size="6"]the controller : [/size]

public function actionListeaffecter(){


    	 			$searchInstance = new InstanceSearch();

    	 			$dataProvider = $searchInstance->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);

    	 			$pk = Yii::$app->request->post('pk'); // Array or selected records primary keys

    	 			if ($pk) {

    	 				print ("select=$pk");



    	 			     return $this->render('vueListeAaffecter', [

    	 					'searchInstance' => $searchInstance,

    	 					'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,




Any help plz

It’s not necessary for me to use pjax. I put it because I found it in a forum. My aim is to get the selected rows