Get['id'] Not Work

hi all i need to display detail using cjuidialogbox; for that i create the action and send id to that action

this is my ajaxlink

 <?php  echo CHtml::ajaxLink('',array('findlocum/showdrdetails',''=>$data['id']),array(


 $("#drdetails").dialog("open");							 document.getElementById("dr_detail_continer").innerHTML=data;}'),	

array('class' => 'social_icon form'));


now i need to get the id within that action

this is my contraller

public function actionshowdrdetails(){


		if (Yii::app ()->request->isAjaxRequest) {

 			Yii::app ()->clientScript->scriptMap ['jquery.js'] = false;

 			if (isset ( $_GET ['id'] )) {


 				//$userview=Users::model()->findByPk($_GET ['id']);




 				//$dataprovider=new CActiveDataProvider($arry);

 				$userview=new Users();




 				$this->renderPartial ('drdetailview', array (

						'userview=' => $userview,

 						//'UserView' => $UserView

 				) );





my data provider conatain

	public function actionIndex() {


		$gsmodel=new UserGradesSpecialty('search');

		$userprofdetail=new UserProfDetails('search');


		$crumbs = array (

				array (

						'name' => "Home",

						'url' => array (




				array (

						'name' => 'FindLocum'



		$title = "Find Locum";

		$criteria = new CDbCriteria ();


		if (isset ( $_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'], $_POST['UserProfDetails'] ) ) {

			if ($_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'] ['specialty_id'] != "-1") {

				$gsmodel->specialty_id = $_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'] ['specialty_id'];


			if ($_POST ['UserProfDetails'] ['pref_location_id'] != "-1") {

				$userprofdetail->pref_location_id = $_POST ['UserProfDetails'] ['pref_location_id'];


			if ($_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'] ['grade_id'] != "-1") {

				$gsmodel->grade_id = $_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'] ['grade_id'];





		$sql = "a.itemname=:nid AND


		if (isset($_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'] ) && $_POST ['UserProfDetails'] ['pref_location_id'] != "-1") {

			$sql .= " AND p.pref_location_id=:pid";


		if (isset($_POST ['UserProfDetails'] ) && $_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'] ['specialty_id'] != "-1") {

			$sql.=" AND g.specialty_id=:sid";


		if (isset($_POST ['UserProfDetails'] ) && $_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'] ['grade_id'] != "-1") {

			$sql.=" AND g.grade_id=:gid ";






		if (isset($_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'] ) && $_POST ['UserProfDetails'] ['pref_location_id'] != "-1") {

			$arr[':pid']= $userprofdetail->pref_location_id;


		if(isset($_POST ['UserProfDetails'] ) && $_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'] ['specialty_id'] != "-1"){

			$arr[':sid'] = $gsmodel->specialty_id;


		if (isset($_POST ['UserProfDetails'] ) && $_POST ['UserGradesSpecialty'] ['grade_id'] != "-1"){

			$arr[':gid']= $gsmodel->grade_id;


		$users= Yii::app()->db->createCommand()

		->select(',u.first_name,u.preferred_name,u.gender,u.date_of_birth,,u.last_name,,s.specialty, as location')

		->from('users u')

		->join('user_prof_details p', ' = p.users_id')

		->join('user_grades_specialty g', ' = g.users_id')

		->join('speciality s','')

		->join('grades r','')

		->join('locations l','')

		->join('assignments a', ' = a.userid')

		->where($sql, $arr)



		$dataProvider=new CArrayDataProvider($users,

		array('keyField' =>FALSE )




		$this->render ( 'index', array (


				'crumbs' => $crumbs,

				'title' => $title,

				'users' => $users,


				'gsmodel' => $gsmodel,


		) );


bt I cannot get the id .pls help me

thanx in advavce.

Please read the CHtml.ajaxLink docs and CHtml.normalizeUrl that it points to.

Also, consider using a browser debugging console like Firebug or the Chrome console, you’d see that in the GET request fetching your dialog contents your id is not named id.

You pass ‘’ to CHtml.ajaxLink instead of ‘id’ that you’re trying to read in the ‘showdrdetails’ action.