Get data on basis of fields in Yii2

I am trying to get data on basis of fields in query param ie


its give id and name using findOne



    "id": 12,
    "name": 'Jhon'



Its give all fields of user Model using findAll()



  'id': 1
   'name': abc
  'id': 2
   'name': abc

Why findAll() not work like findOne() result

Hi @Faizan_Khattak,

findAll() returns an array of ActiveRecord objects (or an empty array), while findOne() returns a single object (or a null).

@softark you didn’t understand my question?

Ah, so you want only id and name when you use findAll?

As far as I know, findOne should also return age, dob and email. So the difference should lie in your code, not in the difference between findOne and findAll.

Could you share your code?

@softark findAll should return only id and name

Please explain why you think it should.