Get data from related tables in _view.php

Hi all,

I seem to be stuck here, would love some help.

I have this relations for the model:

return array(




			                'Bridge_category_item(category_id, item_id)'







						'images' => array(





						'sale' => array(






I am trying to view this data in _view.php (index).

So now I have this CActiveDataProvider

$dataProvider=new CActiveDataProvider('Item',





 		                //  'order'=>' DESC',









Now, if I print_r($data) in _view.php I can see that the other tables are there, but how do I access the data?

This does not not work:



Been trying to figure this out for a while now… can anyone help please? No matter what I do I get an empty array for related models. Are those attributes need to be public?

Alright, I will answer myself.

Because its a HAS_MANY relationship, you have to go through an array to access the data.

So for sale:


For this to work, an index is needs to be define in the relationship:

						'sale' => array(




							'index' => 'item_id'



This way the index is the item_id column of the Sale table.

This helped: