Now you can see in those tables I am always keeping created_by and updated_by. I am keeping them to record the changes from whom has created and made updated. So can someone kindly tell me how to get
created_by and updated_by id
and the name? Any help and suggestions will bereally appreciable. Thanks
Create getter methods in your model class to get createdBy and updateBy information something like this code.
public function getCreatedBy(){
$productId = $this->id;// this is your product id.
$createdBy = User::model()->findByPk($this->created_by)->username; /update this line according to your need to fetch name.
return $createdBy;
and call this getter in your code like
do the same for updated By.
Or define a relations in your product model with associated keys. then fetch name with a relational tables.
Thanks for the reply. I have used your code. But can you tell me how to save the id(created_by,updated_by) in the database. I am really newbie to Yii. So kindly tell me how to do this?