Generate File From Particular Template

Hello there,

I’ve to generate files based on personnal templates (actually no rules or syntax defined) and datas coming from my database.

Actually, I’ve a synthesis web page giving me all the information I want to use to fill my template. And I’m looking for a good solution for my template and the way to fill it.

I need to allow blocs with loops.

Here is an example of template (the idea, syntax is pseudo-code):

#tpl starts here

# Generated on {date}


### {name} ### = {name}

server.ip = {ip}


Datas about servers are:

$servers = array(

   array('name' => 'first', 'ip' => ''),

   array('name' => 'second', 'ip' => ''),

   array('name' => 'third', 'ip' => ''),


Expected file:

#tpl starts here

# Generated on 20130309

### first ### = first

server.ip =

### second ### = second

server.ip =

### third ### = third

server.ip =

I can have different templates, depending on the config file I want to create.

So, is it possible to do with native yii functions or must I use an external parser ? If using an external parser (as extension), which could be the simplest ? I don’t need the power of a smarty, templates are quite simple (“each” loop, and probably “if” statement to un/comment some lines) ?

Important: I can’t use standard templates, the templates will be done by users who don’t know PHP and need a really simple language.

Thanks by advance.
