Generate code

Hi im newbie , and a have one question!

How to generate code automatically like



it is name of code,


it is year and month,


it is a number that will increase when the code contained in the database.

table :





no_sppb will be filled by that code.

I hope you will help me.

sorry for my bad english , I translate it in google translate :D

Welcome to the Yii forum.

The first place to start is to learn what is Gii, and how to make models and CRUD operations uisng Gii tool.

Here is a good tutorial:

Using Gii tool you can automatically make INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SEARCH functionalities, which will save you a lot of time.

I would do it in CActiveRecord::beforeSave() like the following:

protected function beforeSave()


    if (parent::beforeSave()) {

       if ($this->isNewRecord) {

           $name = 'SPPB';

           $ym = substr(date('Ym'), 2, 4);

           $code = sprintf('%03d', SerialNumber::generateSerialNumber($name, $ym));

           $this->no_sppb = $name . $ym . '/' . $code;


       return true;

    } else {

       return false;



SerialNumber model is responsible for generating a serial number …

public static function generateSerialNumber($name, $ym)


    $model = SerialNumber::model()->find(

        'name = :name AND ym = :ym',

        array(':name' => $name, ':ym' => $ym));

    if (!$model) {

        $model = new SerialNumber();

        $model->name = $name;

        $model->ym = $ym;

        $model->number = 0;


     $number = $model->number + 1;

     $model->number = $number;


     return $number;


Well, please note that the generateSerialNumber() method above is not perfect. It may return a wrong serial number when your app get multiple requests at the same time.

Please google for ‘LAST_INSERT_ID’ for the tips to correct the method, though it is MySQL specific.

Thanks for the answer :)

copy paste this code in your model

public function generateCode() {

        $_d = date("ym");

        $_i = "SPPB.";

        $_left = $_d;

        $_first = "001";

        $_len = strlen($_left);

       $no = $_i . $_left .'/'. $_first;

        $last_po = $this->find(


                    "select" => "id",

                    "condition" => "left(id, " . $_len . ") = :_left",

                    "params" => array(":_left" => $_left),

                    "order" => "id DESC"


        if ($last_po != null) {

            $_no = substr($last_po->id, $_len);


            $_no = substr("000", strlen($_no)) . $_no;

             $no = $_i . $_left .'/'. $_no;


        return $no;


and call this function like :

 protected function beforeSave() {

        if ($this->isNewRecord) {

            $this->id = $this->generateCode(); 

           .... // any code that you want to

        } else {

             .... // any code that you want to



        return true;


this code work for me.

This code works, but stopped at number 10 and can not increase :(