Forms return blank page on Linux

Hello all,

I created a simple web application with the YII Framework on my WAMP system and everything worked fine. But after moving my application to Linux, the forms result in showing only the text before the form. The layout surrounding and the form itself are not show and also CSS is ignored. When i remove the form from the page, everything is fine again. Any thoughts whats causing this?

<div class="form">

<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(






)); ?>

Above the code to load the login-widget.

Many thanks,


I am not able to comprehend exact problem.

Following are my suggestions:

  • Check the css folders and files inside it are intact.

  • Check [i]webserver/i has adequate permission to read the files.

  • Check javascript is disabled in your browser environment.

Hello seenivasan,

The problems as far as i can see is in the widgets. On the linux server it throwns an exception, but I am unable to see what it is. But i haven’t changed the default contactform code and it works fine under windows. Any thoughts?



Maybe you have to make sure of filenames case. Windows doesn’t care if there’s a mismatch while Unix does.

Cheers :)

Hey bennouna,

I created the demo webapp testdrive and installed it on the linux server and it has exactly the same issue. Do you know if there are standard errors with casing in the Yii framework?



There shouldn’t be any case-sensitive issues creating the demo testdrive app.

Have you made sure the folders ‘assets’ and ‘protected/runtime’ are writeable?

check permission on your app folder

Widgets are working fine , the problem is the usage of $models:: in the controller of the widgets.

If i remove the call to the module by the controller the site function normally.

Any solutions for this.