Formatting Data For Behavior

Hello, how are?

The company where I work a Behavior log that is using getAttributes () method within a afterFind () was created. The problem is that this getAttributes, according to the documentation directly retrieves data from the database, which show many indices in the logs and I wanted to treat this data before writing this log table.

How can I do this?

I did not find anything related to it by searching the internet.


class LoggableBehavior extends CActiveRecordBehavior


	private $_oldattributes = array();

	public function afterSave($event)


		$newattributes = $this->Owner->getAttributes();

		$oldattributes = $this->getOldAttributes();


		if (!$this->Owner->isNewRecord) {

			// compare old and new

			foreach ($newattributes as $name => $value) {

				if (!empty($oldattributes)) {

					$old = $oldattributes[$name];

				} else {

					$old = '';


				if ($value != $old) {

					$log=new LogTable();

					$log->old_value = $old;

					$log->new_value = $value;

					$log->action = 'CHANGE';

					$log->model = get_class($this->Owner);

					$log->model_id = $this->Owner->getPrimaryKey();

                    			// Conditions for primary key advanced for more one columns.


                        			$log->model_id = implode('#', $log->model_id);

					$log->field = $name;

					$log->stamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

					$log->user_id = $userid;





	// ...

	public function afterFind($event)


		// Save old values


		return parent::afterFind($event);


	public function getOldAttributes()


		return $this->_oldattributes;


	public function setOldAttributes($value)





I hope they help me in this.

Thank you.


In model add code:

public function getFormatAttributes() {

	$model = new DMVidaConexao;

	$model->attributes = $this->getAttributes();

	$model->principal = ($model->principal == 'S') ? 'Sim' : 'Não';

	$model->ativo = ($model->ativo == '1') ? 'Sim' : 'Não';

	$model->data_alteracao = DConverter::convertMB($model->data_alteracao, 'date');

	$model->id_vida_conexao = $this->id_vida_conexao;

	return $model->attributes;


In behavior overwrite code:




Thanks guys! :D