Formatted date filter in CGridView

I display my date in CGridView as: "26.6.2012 22:36" with:

array('name' => 'date',

      'value' => date("j.n.Y G:i", strtotime($model->date))


But in my filter, I need to search in this format (which is in the database) to get results: "2012-06-26 22:36".

How can I make my filter to work in the format that is displayed in my CGridView? I’ve already gotten a proposal to use a datetime picker, but with that I can’t just search by time without date.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

If you use ‘dataProvider’ => $model->search() in your gridview, then customize search() method in relevant model.


$criteria->compare('date',$this->date, true);

Compare() docs

If you want to catch $this->date from filter in other format, then it’s stored in db (as I understood from your post), then you may change custom format to db format before performing a compare.


compare() makes a sql sentence with the input, so I had to change the input to my wanted format.

my function:

function changeDateToDBformat($datum) {

        if (strstr($datum, '.') || strstr($datum, ':')) {

            $formats = array('!j.n', '!j.n.Y', '!j.n.Y H:i', '!n.Y H:i', '!n.Y', '!H:i', '!j.n.Y H', '!n.Y H', '!Y H:i', '!Y H');

            $date = false;

            foreach ($formats as $format) {

                $date = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, $datum);

                if (!($date === false)) {

                    $izbraniFormat = $format;




            if (!$date === false) {

                $datum1 = $date->format('Y-m-d H:i');

                $date2 = DateTime::createFromFormat(substr($izbraniFormat, 1, strlen($izbraniFormat)), $datum);

                $datum2 = $date2->format('Y-m-d H:i');

                $datumcas1 = explode(' ', $datum1);

                $datumcas2 = explode(' ', $datum2);

                $prvidatum = explode('-', $datumcas1[0]);

                $drugidatum = explode('-', $datumcas2[0]);

                $koncniDatum = '';

                for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($prvidatum); $a++) {

                    if ($prvidatum[$a] == $drugidatum[$a])

                        $koncniDatum .= '-' . $prvidatum[$a];


                $koncniCas = '';

                $prvicas = explode('-', $datumcas1[1]);

                $drugicas = explode('-', $datumcas2[1]);

                for ($a = 0; $a < sizeof($prvicas); $a++) {

                    if ($prvicas[$a] == $drugicas[$a])

                        $koncniCas .= ':' . $prvicas[$a];


                $koncniDatum = substr($koncniDatum, 1, strlen($koncniDatum));

                if (strlen($koncniCas) > 0)

                    $koncniDatum .= ' ' . substr($koncniCas, 1, strlen($koncniCas));

                $datum = $koncniDatum;



        return $datum;



//datum == date

//cas == time

//izbrani == selected

//koncni == end

//prvi == first

//drugi == second

With this, a user can enter date in the format "j.n.Y H:i" and also just portions of this format (j.n, n.Y, Y H:i,…).

This works great, but how are you handling greater than / less than filtering?

You can do searches in Yii CGridView’s like the following:


which work great, but I’m in the same boat as you, trying to allow filtering using custom date formats:


I can’t just format that string to the DB equivalent, as the > sign causes issues. Thoughts?

I didn’t even know about that function :)

after if (strstr($datum, ‘.’) || strstr($datum, ‘:’)) {

chech if $datum has ‘>’ or ‘<’ in it

if it has, then check which one it is and remove it from $datum

at the end, before you return $datum from the function, add the special char back to the start of the string.

That should work :)

Thanks for the reply. I looked into it further yesterday and ended up copying over some of the code from the CDbCriteria compare function. I ended up with this:

	public function search() {

		$criteria = new CDbCriteria;


		$criteria->compare('StartDate', $this->dbDateSearch($this->StartDate), true);



	private function dbDateSearch($value)


		if($value != "" && preg_match('/^(?:\s*(<>|<=|>=|<|>|=))?(.*)$/',$value,$matches))

	        return $matches[1] . date("Y-m-d",strtotime($matches[2]));


	    	return $value;


Long-term, it seems like the type of thing to either put in your own ActiveRecord override or in a CDbCriteria override object so that it’s easier to use.

hello All,

If you want to search date in d-m-y format in gridview

then use below code,

private function dbDateSearch($value)


            if(&#036;value &#33;= &quot;&quot; &amp;&amp; preg_match('/^([1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])-([1-9]|1[0-2])-[0-9]{4}&#036;/', &#036;value,&#036;matches))

            return date(&quot;Y-m-d&quot;,strtotime(&#036;matches[0]));


            return &#036;value;



here is the other way,

If you want to search date in d-m-y format in gridview


hope usefull
