Form Submition With Normal Html Tag

Hi Experts,

I want Solution How To Submit This Type Of Form In Yii


Please write "echo" before your url.

<form action="<?php echo yii::app()->createUrl('user/create');?>" method="post">

<form action="<?php echo CController::createUrl('user/create');?>" method="post">

Above reply is also correct,

but if you use every tag in Yii style so better to use form also in Yii style,


   $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(



 )); ?>

Without widgets, you can use CHtml::beginForm() and CHtml::endForm().

    <?= CHtml::beginForm('/user/create'); ?>

    Form content here

    <?= CHtml::endForm(); ?>

thanks dear for this suggestion i was implement this codeā€¦ but some doubt with this like

how to implement jquery validation and all