Forget Password Link

hey guys i need to create forget password link.can anyone give idea for that with tutorials or sample code.thanx for ur help

I implemented it using a Login Portlet. In the userLogin view, I dropped in a submit button with a ‘command’ parameter as seen here (I use a bootstrap button widget):



		'label' => 'Forgot password',









In the UserLogin class, I have code similar to this:

class UserLogin extends Portlet {

	public $title='Login';

	protected function renderContent() {

		if (isset($_POST['command']) && ($_POST['command']==='forgotpassword' || $_POST['command']==='reset')) {








	private function loginRender() {

		$this->render('userLogin',array('model'=>new LoginForm('login')));



	private function resetRender() {

		if(isset($_POST['LoginForm']) && isset($_POST['command']) && $_POST['command']==='reset')


			// Reset password using $_POST information.



		$this->render('userReset',array('model'=>new LoginForm('reset')));



Note the $_POST[‘command’]===‘xxx’. This is what I use to determine whether I’m showing the userLogin view, or the userReset view that I created (almost a clone of userLogin).

In the userReset view, I will in turn have a button that triggers the code to reset the user password:



		'label' => 'Reset',









This is not my full code as I have a lot more inline junk, but it should help you achieve something similar to what I have. Hope it helps!