I’m trying to use transaction when creating table group, and table with relation user-group. It works ok when I don’t use transaction, so the naming of the attributes is correct. Here is the code:
$db = Yii::app()->db;
$transaction = $db->beginTransaction();
try {
$userMyGroup = new UserMyGroup();
$userMyGroup->IDMyGroup = $model->IDMyGroup;
$userMyGroup->IDUser = Yii::app()->user->id;
} catch (CDbException $ex) {
Yii::log("Couldn't create group:".$ex->errorInfo[1], CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR);
The error is:
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_UserMyGroup_MyGroup". The conflict occurred in database "MyDatabase", table "dbo.MyGroup", column 'IDMyGroup'.. The SQL statement executed was: INSERT INTO [dbo].[UserMyGroup] ([IDMyGroup], [IDUser]) VALUES (:yp0, :yp1). Bound with :yp0=4022, :yp1=1
Problem is probably that the saved model might not be in database while saving the second model(userMyGroup) with the foreign key. How to do the transaction correctly?