Forcing Yii To Use Https For Certain Pages


I know this has been discussed before but I’m having some problems getting Yii to force HTTPS for my checkout page. It works sometimes and then other times the site still goes to the non HTTPS page.

Here’s what I have done:

  1. Customized the urlManager in main.php like so:


	    'class' => 'UrlManager',


            'hostInfo' => '',

            'secureHostInfo' => '',

            'secureRoutes' => array(

                'schedule/checkout',   // site/login action








  1. Used a custom UrlManager that was posted by someone else here in the forum:


class UrlManager extends CUrlManager



     * @var string the host info used in non-SSL mode


    public $hostInfo = '';


     * @var string the host info used in SSL mode


    public $secureHostInfo = '';


     * @var array list of routes that should work only in SSL mode.

     * Each array element can be either a URL route (e.g. 'site/create') 

     * or a controller ID (e.g. 'settings'). The latter means all actions

     * of that controller should be secured.


    public $secureRoutes = array();


    public function createUrl($route, $params = array(), $ampersand = '&')


        $url = parent::createUrl($route, $params, $ampersand);


        // If already an absolute URL, return it directly

        if (strpos($url, 'http') === 0) {

            return $url;  



        // Check if the current protocol matches the expected protocol of the route

        // If not, prefix the generated URL with the correct host info.

        $secureRoute = $this->isSecureRoute($route);

        if (Yii::app()->request->isSecureConnection) {

            return $secureRoute ? $url : $this->hostInfo . $url;

        } else {

            return $secureRoute ? $this->secureHostInfo . $url : $url;




    public function parseUrl($request)


        $route = parent::parseUrl($request);


        // Perform a 301 redirection if the current protocol 

        // does not match the expected protocol

        $secureRoute = $this->isSecureRoute($route);

        $sslRequest = $request->isSecureConnection;

        if ($secureRoute !== $sslRequest) {

            $hostInfo = $secureRoute ? $this->secureHostInfo : $this->hostInfo;

            if ((strpos($hostInfo, 'https') === 0) xor $sslRequest) {

                $request->redirect($hostInfo . $request->url, true, 301);



        return $route;



    private $_secureMap;



     * @param string the URL route to be checked

     * @return boolean if the give route should be serviced in SSL mode


    protected function isSecureRoute($route)


        if ($this->_secureMap === null) {

            foreach ($this->secureRoutes as $r) {

                $this->_secureMap[strtolower($r)] = true;



        $route = strtolower($route);

        if (isset($this->_secureMap[$route])) {

            return true;

        } else {

            return ($pos = strpos($route, '/')) !== false 

                && isset($this->_secureMap[substr($route, 0, $pos)]);





  1. I’ve also set up my controller so that when it redirects to the checkout page it forces https:

//Redirect to checkout page...												







Thanks for your help!


Wow. I’m surprised no-one has run into this before.

What do you mean with sometimes?


     * @param string the URL route to be checked

     * @return boolean if the give route should be serviced in SSL mode


    protected function isSecureRoute($route)


        if ($this->_secureMap === null) {

            foreach ($this->secureRoutes as $r) {

                $this->_secureMap[strtolower($r)] = true;



        $route = strtolower($route);

        if (isset($this->_secureMap[$route])) {

            return true;

        } else {

            return ($pos = strpos($route, '/')) !== false 

                && isset($this->_secureMap[substr($route, 0, $pos)]);



The Method does not correcty return true if there is a slash at the end of the route, thus calling schedule/checkout/ will not return true.

Thanks Dave! I think that’s problem.