If you’ve ever tried combining gridviews on a single page using Ajax, you’ve probably encountered problems getting the IDs to match up.
I’ve found a good method to fix that, which involves explicitly setting the grid id to a string that uniquely identifies the controller/action/parameters that produced the model that the grid is based on. My implementation of this method is below. Hope you find this useful, and I would love to know if anyone has a better way of doing or thinking about this issue.
// In your controller.
* Returns the unique id of the current action.
* The action id consists of the unique id of the controller, the id of the action,
* and the values of the action parameters.
* You should override [[CController::getActionParams()]] to only return the relevant parameters.
* The id is MD5'd to ensure consistent length, uniqueness, and that all characters are valid HTML.
* @return string
* @see CController::getActionParams()
* @see CController::getUniqueId()
public function getUniqueActionId()
return md5(implode('-', array(
) + $this->getActionParams()));
// In your view
$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbGridView', array(
'id' =>$this->getUniqueActionId(),
'filter' =>$model,
'dataProvider' =>$model->search(),
'columns' =>$model->columns(),