Find all not working with AND

So here is my code in question:

$notifications = Notifications::model()->findAll('content_author=' . $id . ' AND read =0');

Now to me the SQL looks fine yet its throwing me the following error:

What is going wrong in this statement?


read is MySQL reserved word, you can read about it here

Wrap ‘read’ by `:

$notifications = Notifications::model()->findAll('content_author=' . $id . ' AND `read` =0');

OR add table prefix:

$notifications = Notifications::model()->findAll('content_author=' . $id . ' AND =0');

OR both :) :

$notifications = Notifications::model()->findAll('content_author=' . $id . ' AND `t`.`read` =0');


$notifications = Notifications::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(

  'content_author' => $id,

  'read' => 0


and let the framework take care of the rest.

Thank you very much everyone!