File info Bug

if i do:


I get:

2011/01/18 22:18:26 [error] [php] finfo_open() [<a href='function.finfo-open'>function.finfo-open</a>]: Failed to load magic database at '(null)'. (C:\wamp\www\newyii\framework\utils\CFileHelper.php:222)

if i do:



i get:

2011/01/18 22:22:38 [error] [php] include(C:\wamp\www\newyii\framework\utils\mimeTypesphp.php) [<a href='function.include'>function.include</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory (C:\wamp\www\newyii\cms\protected\components\Common.php:79)

Of course, the file is there, but seems to be a problem if i add the .php extension on the end of the file, because if i do :



It works perfectly.

O.S: Windows 7

PHP: 5.2.8

HTTPD: Apache 2

Any idea why this might happen ?