FictionCity.NET - The Global Social Network for Artists

Hi All,

I’m FictionCity’s CTO, we have been developing this social network for artists for a while now.

We have chosen Yii because of it’s simplicity, the MVC framework was very comfortable to use, it allowed extensions to be made, there were people in our country who are Yii commiters (Sebastian Thierrer).

We will be presenting our platform this week in Barcelona.

I hope you like it!

Here are some screenshots of FictionCity.NET

[size=“3”]What’s up Page:[/size]

[size="3"]Profile Page[/size]:

[size="3"]Public Resume Page:[/size]

[size="3"]Organization or Group Page:[/size]

so beautifull

Nice job!

well done

Hi Luis! I’m creating a social network on Yii and I like to know how are you implemented the url for profiles. For example Are you using a table with usernames and a rule on urlmanager?

(Te lo pongo en español también porque mi inglés es bastante limitado. Estoy creando una red social y no sé muy bien como implementar las url dedicadas a los perfiles. He pensado en poner una regla en el urlmanager para leer todo lo que venga de y analizar si xxxxxx corresponde a algún perfil, pero me parece una salvajada de recursos si para cada petición de lo que sea tengo que hacer eso)

gr8 work,

+1 for this.