Fail Migrate Yii 2.0

i’ve tried to migrate after instalation yii 2.0, but result after migration like this :

exception ‘yii\db\Exception’ with message ‘could not find driver’ in [path on ampps]\vendor\yiisoft\yii2\db\Connection.php:534

on common\config\main-local.php :


return [

'components' =&gt; [

    'db' =&gt; [

        'class' =&gt; 'yii&#092;db&#092;Connection',

        'dsn' =&gt;  'mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=yii2advanced',

        'username' =&gt; 'test',

        'password' =&gt; 'test',

        'charset' =&gt; 'utf8',


    'mailer' =&gt; [

        'class' =&gt; 'yii&#092;swiftmailer&#092;Mailer',

        'viewPath' =&gt; '@common/mail',

        // send all mails to a file by default. You have to set

        // 'useFileTransport' to false and configure a transport

        // for the mailer to send real emails.

        'useFileTransport' =&gt; true,




tryin connect to gii was ok,

does anyone can help me?

thanks so much

i used AMPPS for apache and mysql server w/ windows 7 64 bit

Is this exception from web or console?

Hi samdark, i used console to migrate it, it used yii 2.0 w/ advanced choice

Problem solved. the problems are :

  • crash on ampps w/ my OS => unistall and install again ampps

  • i used the other mySQL server => changed port w/ 3307

thanks samdark to post on my problem topic :) :D :rolleyes: