Facing problem with search in Arabic Language


I am facing problem with search in Arabic Language on my live store hosted on Azure. I am using Yii1.2 framework.

On local xampp Search is working fine with Arabic Language. but when same code and database structure on live app not giving me search result.

table type: MyISAM

Character set: utf8-utf-8 Unicode

Collation: utf8_unicode_ci


name, item_no

type: varchar

Character set: utf8

Collation: utf8_unicode_ci

Hi modsindex,

There is no Yii 1.2. only Yii 1.1.x and Yii 2.

I am not familiar with Azure cloud services but i can list for you the important elements so you can start looking for the issue. for this problem we have to make sure all the following:

  • php configuration file <ini>: you have to make sure the default encoding is utf8. <example: default_charset = "utf-8">
  • mysql encoding: i think you already did this step but its worth mentioning.
  • mysql connection string: the link to connect from php to mysql should be set encoding to utf-8. in Yii config.php find database component and add: ‘charset’ => ‘utf8’,
  • mysql collection for (db, tables, fields).
  • html output: should contain the meta tag for encoding and set to utf8. <head><meta charset="UTF-8"></head>
  • web server: (Apache, Nginx , etc): you have to make sure to set the default encoding to utf8. << not sure about how much important this is.
  • php files: which contains arabic better to be saved as utf8. << not sure about how much important this is.

here is some refrences that may help:


Yii 2 (yii\db\Connection class charset) http://www.yiiframew…$charset-detail

Yii 1.1 (CDbConnection class charset) http://www.yiiframew#charset-detail

i hope the above point will solve your issue. keep me posted if you find what you were looking for. wish you the best.

Try to use utf8mb4 instead of just utf-8.
It always helps and works on my projects.