Facebook Javascript SDK and Yii

Hi all,

I’m going to use Javascript SDK (JS SDK only, no PHP SDK) and Yii framework to:

  • Authenticate a facebook user on my site so that they can leave a comment.

  • Get facebook user information and save to my database.

  • Get friend list of a user and save to my database.

  • Use some OG plugin such as: Friend’s activities, post a comment to a user’s wall…

I’ve searched for a while but have not found the clear solution to integrate JS SDK with Yii yet. Also I don’t know for sure whether I can perform above features with JS SDK only, or I have to use PHP SDK.

Please help me on this. And it would be great If you guy can share a sample source code/useful link with me.

Many thanks in advanced,


Hi Kevin and All,

Did you get anywhere with this? I have a similar requirement and I’d like to hear from people who worked out the Facebook integration via Javascript and not the PHP SDK.

