G’day Fellow Yii Developers
I’ve been working on 2 composer packages to give additional application ends to Yii2 Advanced. These come out of my own needs for my single biggest [ever if I have my way] web project. They are yii2-a4e & yii2-a6e.
yii2-a4e adds API & assets ends, & I expect it to have the broader usefulness.
yii2-a6e adds those as well as what I’ve called midend & members end.
The midend & members end are specific to my big project, but I take the view that if I need it, someone else might. Currently the API end is the least develped & that is a product of it currently being least urgent for my work.
The purpose of this post is threefold…
To let fellow Yii2 developers know these packages exist.
To invite interested fellows to collaborate.
To invite any suggestions, tips, advice, or other, which might help me make these better.
Cheers, Pedro