An application component which wraps the SyntaxHighlighter script by Alex Gorbachev has just been released!
Link to extension:
Hope it proves useful to you.
An application component which wraps the SyntaxHighlighter script by Alex Gorbachev has just been released!
Link to extension:
Hope it proves useful to you.
Thanks jacmoe
Nice extension!
My code snippets show formatted OK, however, I can’t get any theme to work.
I have added this to my config/main.php:
'syntaxhighlighter' => array(
'class' => 'ext.JMSyntaxHighlighter.JMSyntaxHighlighter',
'theme' => 'Django'
The generated css links show shCore.css and shThemeDjango.css in the rendered HTML code.
Thanks in advance + regards,
how to use syntaxhiglighter in yii2?
I think, considering that this topic is old and ancient, that it would be a good idea to start a new topic
[color="#006400"]/* closed */[/color]