[EXTENSION] phundament

Sweet, will be playing with this later tomorrow!!

What are some of your future plans for this?

I will setup a package repo (at least) for Phundament 3 packages and it should be the default way to get and update Phundament 3. But you’ll also be able to create your custom Yii Apps based on the Phundament workflow :)

Just a quick note: You currently need git and mercurial installed on your machine - but I am working on this.

Looking forward to your feedback.

Good that you told me about mercurial! I would have missed that!

Does the package repo have to go through packagist? Or can you access something like git? Or a private server?

I’ll definitely provide feedback in a day or 2. I stuck with some day job work right now.

All of them are possible.

This file https://github.com/phundament/app/blob/master/composer.json is currently "my private server", accesses git, hg & a zip.

I’ll migrate this to satis http://getcomposer.org/doc/05-repositories.md#hosting-your-own

Looks - again - very nice! :)

Dear Schmunk,

There are some things I encounter that raises some questions after installing Phundament-APP. I post it here so it helps you debugging perhaps. Hopefully you can help me with that?

I have installed it on a XAMPP configuration (Win7), with Git and Mercurial (composer.phar script). The ‘ext.yii-bootstrap.widgets.BootHero’ didn’t exists, but I just copied it from the yii-bootstrap extension zip-file. That did the trick, the Hero Widget works now.

But the menu items ‘Home’ and ‘Contact’ don’t work (points to http://localhost/phundament-app/{route:‘site/index’} )

I’m not shure why that is, I’m thinking perhaps it has something to do with how Linux works… So I am uploading it now to a Linux server. But perhaps it’s something else. Do you know what is going on here? If it’s on the other server I report back here if it works or not.

Another thing is that the 'ext.yiiext.widgets.fancybox.EFancyboxWidget’is not found…

I’m going to get some food, bye bye for now!

Hi ametad,

sorry for my late response, I hope it’s worth it :)

I am very pleased to hear that!

Here’s the idea: I’ve added create a project on github for “less translations”, called lessii :)

The main goal is just to reuse all the existing Yii stuff which is usually based on blueprint CSS with Twitter Bootstrap - but it could also be Zurb, etc …, so if you don’t need this, e.g. you’re creating a new site simply, ignore it.

But I found this way much easier and faster than adjusting all the views from the modules included in Phundament.

The line in the config which is responsible for creating the CSS now is here

'protected/extensions/lessii/translations/blueprint-bootstrap.less' => 'protected/extensions/phundament/themes/p3bootstrap/css/blueprint-bootstrap.css'

*taken from https://github.com/phundament/app/blob/master/p3/config.php

As I am currently developing, I directly create the CSS generated by the lessCompiler into my theme folder, where it is saved to p3bootstrap/css. But you can use any other LESS file if you want to. Just for the sake of completeness, this is the Blueprint-Bootstrap translation file: https://github.com/schmunk42/lessii/blob/master/translations/blueprint-bootstrap.less

Just create you custom Bootstrap file there, with or without a "translation".

Btw: The lessCompiler property ‘autoCompile’ is set to false, but I think I’ll remove the less compiler in the config by default and move it to local-dist.php. Maybe you also have to download or better clone --recursive lessii, if it’s not in place.

As I wanted to be able to distribute also themes with the package manager I’ve reconfigured Yii’s themeManager ‘baseDir’ to extensions/phundament/themes. The downside here is that you’re no longer able to use Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl, because it’s not pubic anymore.

The workaround for this is here: https://github.com/schmunk42/p3bootstrap/blob/master/views/layouts/main.php line 23 and 24, simply publish your theme files as an asset.

Note that I created Phundament completely based on a theme, now not a single file from the webapp skeleton is modified. You just have to load a custom config which uses the themes from the extension folder and the modules also.

What’s your impressions about this?

Usually yes, or see above … :)

Thanks a lot & best regards,


PS: About the later posts … As windows is not my primary development system it usually need some time and day where I have the muse to fix things there :)

Also there are a few broken things after this huge refactoring - I know, but I think they’ll be fixed this week, also I hope that the structure is now final, any thoughts about moving all the stuff to ./extensions?

Ugh, feel like I did a noob mistake :)

But I’m a Yii noob ;)


I copied the phundament folder into my sites folder (running standard osx install).

Then added Yii (full framework folder) inside the phundament folder.

Ran the sh file and pointed to the Yii/framework/yiic file. I didn’t put this in quotes.

Installer seemed to work but complained that I’m missing memcached.

I just got a regular Yii site.

I then added quotes for yiic and didn’t get an error but I still see a regular site.

What did I do wrong?


Thank you for your reply :)

As you are developping I wait a while before posting stuff I found te be broken ;)

About restructering everything in /extensions: I like it! Most of all because it’s nicely seperated, now it’s more obvious what is of Phundament and what not. Downsite for me as I can see as a ‘newbie’ is that I am a little bit confused wich config file does what?


PS. I promised to report back: on the Linux server the same things are broken

Looks like you’ve not updated config/main.php with the Phundament config.

Thanks for your feedback, I also had these problems on a test installation.

I am currently trying to cleanup the installation process, will keep an eye on that.

::) Looking forward to that. Succes!

Hi guys,

could you just someone try the packagist installation on Windows?

I had some problems with it: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups#!topic/composer-dev/JZJ-x_rkBCI

Note: You need mercurial and git installed on your machine.

Does this package have a forum ?

Either here, or in our Google Group.

I changed the name ofbthe site in config/main.php and site name changes in the browser. But still the tlrwgular Yii site and nothing new.

I ran the Sh file and came across no errors.

How would I update the config?

I meant a forum as extension

Phundament is more of a framework rather than an app.

Oh, I see…thx sap

Hi Chris-S,

SapporoGuy is right, Phundament 3 is more a preconfigured and structured Yii Application with composer as a package manager.

You should be able to run any Yii extension in it. But you could also use the modules and extensions bundled in Phundament in your application - it’s just a config issue.

Best regards,
