[EXTENSION] phundament

Also u have an error

Error 500

htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given

on your widget demo page

Hi ametad,

thanks for your feedback.

It looks like you can’t run yiic from P3Admin on windows, because the path is not correct.

You may try adjusting the $yiicCommand property of P3Admin module in your config.

Does that work on Windows?

But as P3Admin is also pretty alpha I suggest to execute the commands from the setup script manually.

Let me know, if you have a .bat file for this ;)

I didn’t run tests on Windows yet.

Sounds fine so far :)

Best regards,


PS: We’re working on pretty cool features at the moment.

Sorry, fixed that.

Widget creation has to be more error proof - on my buglist.

[size=“4”]Try the Demo - BOOOOOOOOOOTSTRAP, Baby! B)

Yii Extension Download Phundament 3-0.3[/size]

I had to kick out some (hopefully unused parts) to fit into the 2MB Limit for a Yii Extension.

Alternative (complete) download from github (0.3)

Make sure to check at least the demo, I think that’s a huge step, far more then 0.2 to 0.3 sounds.

Best regards,


PS: If you want to clone this, do

git clone --recursive -b bootstrap https://schmunk42@github.com/schmunk42/phundament.git

Will be merged to master soon …

Thank you for your reply! Because I had not enough time I haven’t been busy with Phundament yet. But when I do I let you know.

Succes with the development!

Just updated the website http://phundament.com/ with all the new stuff … have a look.

Looks good!

Hope to get hands on P3 soon! ;))

Best regards,

Sarunas D. (aka CoLT)


You’ve made a lot of progress, I like what Phundament become! After my last reply I have tried some other things, but I really want to give your CMS a try.

Got a couple of questions though…:

About the intergration of Bootstrap. The LessCompiler ‘path’ config in the protected/config/main.php file points to: protected/extensions/lessii/blueprint/bootstrap.less. But I can’t find that perticalary path…

My question is, how do you plan to compile self-made LESS style that overides Bootstrap styles?

Yii-bootstrap setup instructions state:

And I suppose you link that stylesheet in your view file (/themes/name/views/layouts/main.php). I’ve tried that but can’t get it to override. coreCss and responsiveCss are set to TRUE for Yii-Bootstrap in main config. In the mentioned main layout file styles are linked as follows:

		<style type="text/css">

			body {

				padding-top: 60px;

				padding-bottom: 40px;



		<!-- Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML5 elements -->

		<!--[if lt IE 9]>

		  <script src="//html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script>


		<link href="css/blueprint-bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">

Where do I link my own stylesheet? Last?

Greetings from Holland :)

Keep up the good work!

Hi ametad,

thanks for your feedback. I am working on this.

I’ll have a detailed look at your message tonight with a reply.

Best regards,


PS: I am working on a blueprint to bootstrap “translation” LESS file, so you could use your existing templates with bootstrap without modifying them. That’s the reason why the theme and style stuff is so cluttered at the moment.

PS2: One question in advance: Do you use github?

Hi Tobias,

Thank you, I’ll await your reaction. About Github… it’s new for me, I only know it’s some kind of shared repository… Right? What about it?


PS. I use Aptana Studio 3

About Github (part2)… I have it up and running! And connected to your repo: “https://github.com/schmunk42/phundament.git”. Also learned how to include the gitmodules that provides all of the extensions and modules. Nice :)

How about your developments?

Hi ametad,

I am close to the finish line … just a very quick post here.

  • Customizable LESS support

  • Complete Installation via composer (that’s package management for Yii 1.1) :lol:

  • Heavy refactoring

Best regards,


Hi guys,

for those who wanna check out some cool new stuff on the weekend, just go here:

It’s Phundament 3 via composer, a Package Manager Proof-of-Concept for Yii 1.1! :lol:

Please let me know if this works for you basically.

Best regards,


Looks good, but slightly unfortunate name:

fun·da·ment (fnd-mnt)


a. The buttocks.

b. The anus.

Hi phpnode,

I am not a native English speaker, is this the common meaning you mentioned?

I’ve just found this …


Middle English (also denoting the base of a building, or the founding of a building or institution): from Old French fondement, from Latin fundamentum, from fundare ‘to found’

I would have said that fundament is a word which is known in many languages?

@schmunk - it’s not at all common, in fact I’ve never heard the word used that way in spoken conversation. I don’t think it’ll put anyone off using phundament.

Could explain about your package manager some more?

Thanks :)

Sure, I love to :)

Have a look at the composer.json file, which serves as a temporary master repo description, normally you’d get the info from packagist.com, but I decided not to register a package yet.

The proof-of-concept under phundament/app contains only 5 files, the master repo description mentioned above, the composer "binary", a README and the Phundament 3 setup script together with a config file.

If you look at the composer.json file, you’ll see that I’ve changed the location where composer stores the packages with

"vendor-dir": "protected/extensions"

There are different types of repos defined below, 9x github, 3x bitbucket and 1 zip file. At the moment they’re structured like vendorName/packageName.

While on my github repos I had the possibility to add composer.json files as package descriptions, for the other packages I had to specify the version manually, but btw. composer can handle tags.

So far so good, when you now run your the install or update action of composer, you’ll get all the stuff you need downloaded to protected/extensions.

But this folder now also contains modules, so I had to add a few aliases and imports to the config (see comments). For sure I also had to adjust several paths at other locations (eg. migrations) but that’s basically everything.

After downloading the packages you can run the setup script, which creates a webapp and applies migrations and sets file system permissions. Btw: This part should be moved to an installation script hook of composer.

And you’re ready to go :)

Best regards,


If I understand this right, does this mean you can load "packages" from within fundament or would it be through gii?

Also, does fundament have a plugin system like WP, modx, or Drupal?

You load the packages with composer, it’s a PHP package manager originally written for Symphony 2. It can access many different kinds of sources and handles dependencies, along with the possibility to trigger setup scripts.

Phundament itself is more or less just a bundle of extensions and modules - preconfigured, so they work out-of-the-box.

But it has kinda plugin system … You can add any Yii widget (instanceof CWidget) to your site with P3Widgets - the widget manager. Just add them to the widget configuration and then put them into a widget container.