
Now in Yii have some methods to export excel ,such as phpexcel(extension/phpexcel) which is based on xml and php-excel-reader(extension/php-excel-reader) which is based on PHPEXCEL(phpexcel.codeplex.com)

Later I need turn data to export excel in one project,try some methods ,find some questions

PHPEXCEL (phpexcel.codeplex.c om) is very larger and powerful which you can export rich styles of excel

but some features you cannot use and it need zip php extension

another is very simple and format is not elegant.

Now i rewrite code ,it can set width,widths,height,heights and some simple style ,and you can set merge including of down and across. now I will continue to add some function and some documents such as set cell style and so on.

I am sorry for my English is poor. You contact to me by emil wfwq2008#gmail.com

Since this is one of my first posts, I am not allowed to embed links in my post.




 * XMLExcel Class file


 * Simple excel generating from PHP5

 * reference opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php



 * @author breeze <wfwq2008#gmail.com>

 * @category protected.extentions.xmlexcel

 * @package Extensions

 * @license breeze

 * @version 1.0



 * generate XML to export excel




class XMLExcel{

    public $workSheet = array();

    public $encoding = 'utf-8';

    public $styles = '';


     * header of html to export excel

     * @var string


    private $header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?\>\n<Workbook xmlns=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\" xmlns:x=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel\" xmlns:ss=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet\" xmlns:html=\"ht tp://ww w.w3.org/TR/REC-html40\">"; // please trim space


     * Footer (of document)

     * @var string


    private $footer = "</Workbook>";


    private $sheets = "";

    public function getSheet($index = 0){

        if ( !isset($this->workSheet[$index])){

            $this->workSheet[$index] = new CreateExcel();


        return $this->workSheet[$index];



     * set default styles


    public function setDefaultStyles($font='宋体',$size='12',$vertical='center'){

        $vertical = ucfirst($vertical);

        $this->styles = "\n<Styles>

<Style ss:ID=\"Default\" ss:Name=\"Normal\">

<Alignment ss:Vertical=\"{$vertical}\"/>


<Font ss:FontName=\"{$font}\" x:CharSet=\"134\" ss:Size=\"{$size}\" ss:Color=\"#000000\"/>








    public function generateXMLs($name){


        header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=" . $this->encoding);

		header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . $name . ".xls\"");

		$this->sheets =  stripslashes (sprintf($this->header, $this->encoding));

		$this->sheets  .= $this->styles;

        foreach($this->workSheet as $sheet){

            $this->sheets .=$sheet->generateXML();


        $this->sheets .= $this->footer;

        echo $this->sheets;



class CreateExcel{

    private $sheetTitle ;

    private $columns = array();

    private $units = array();

    private $defaultHeight;

    private $defaultWidth;

    private $height = array();



     *  设置Sheet Title


    public function setSheetTitle($name){

        $this->sheetTitle = $name;



     * 设置默认高度

     * @return void


    public function setDefaultHeight($h){

        $this->defaultHeight = "ss:DefaultRowHeight=\"{$h}\"";



     * 设置默认宽度


    public function setDefaultWidth($w){

        $this->defaultWidth = "ss:DefaultColumnWidth=\"{$w}\"";



     * 设置行高

     * @param $cell 1,2,3

     * @param $height

     * @return void


    public function setHeight($cell,$height){

        $this->height[$cell] = "ss:Height=\"{$height}\"";



     * @columns  string "A:100,B:200"



    public function setWidths($columns){

        $columns = explode(",",$columns);

        foreach($columns as $column){

            $value = explode(':',$column);




    public function setwidth($cell,$width){




     * 纵向横向合并


     * @param string "A3:D5"|"A3:D5,B3:E4"


     * @return void


    public function setMerges($merges){

        $merges = explode(",",$merges);

        foreach($merges as $merge){



        return $this;


    public function setMerge($merge){

        $merge = explode(":",$merge);

        $cell1 = substr($merge[0],0,1);

        $row1  = substr($merge[0],1);

        $cell2 = substr($merge[1],0,1);

        $row2 = substr($merge[1],1);

        if($cell1.$row2 != $merge[0]) {



        if($cell2.$row1 != $merge[0]){



        return $this;



     * 纵向合并 多个


     * @param string "A3:A5"|A3:A5,B3:B5


     * @return void


    public function setMergeDowns($mergeDowns){

        $mergeDowns = explode(",",$mergeDowns);

        foreach($mergeDowns as $mergeDown){



        return $this;


    public function setMergeDown($mergeDown){

        $units = explode(":",$mergeDown);

        if($units[0][0] != $units[1][0]){


        $cell = $this->_toNumber($units[0][0]);

        $row = substr($units[0],1);

        $md = substr($units[1],1) - substr($units[0],1);

        if ($md <= 0){


        $this->units[$row][$cell] = array('mergeDown'=>$md);

        return $this;



     * 横向合并


     * @param string "A3:D3"

     * @return void


    public function setMergeAcrosses($mergeAcrosses){

        $mergeAcrosses = explode(",",$mergeAcrosses);

        foreach($mergeAcrosses as $mergeAcross){



        return $this;


    public function setMergeAcross($mergeAcross){

        $units = explode(":",$mergeAcross);

        if(substr($units[0],1) != substr($units[1],1)){



        $row = $this->_toNumber($units[0][0]);

        $cell = substr($units[0],1);

        $ma = $this->_toNumber($units[1][0]) - $this->_toNumber($units[0][0]);

        if ($ma <= 0){


        $this->units[$row][$cell] = array('mergeAcross'=>$ma);

        return $this;



     * 设置单元内容


     *@param $cell string A1

     *@param $value string 'value'


    public function setCellValue($cell,$value){

        $row = substr($cell,1);

        $cell = $this->_toNumber($cell[0]);

        $this->units[$row][$cell] = array('data'=>$value);


    private  function _setColumns(){

        $columns = '';

        foreach($this->columns as $k=>$v){

            $columns .= "\n<Column ss:Index=\"".$k."\" ss:AutoFitWidth=\"0\" ss:Width=\"{$v}\"/>";


        return $columns;



     * 字母转化为数字

     * @param $letter string


    private function _toNumber($letter){

        return ord($letter) - 64;



     * Generate Sheet


    public function generateXML(){

        $lines = array();

        $sheetTitle = "\n<Worksheet ss:Name=\"" . $this->sheetTitle . "\">\n<Table {$this->defaultHeight} {$this->defaultWidth}>\n";




        foreach($this->units as $row => $unit){

            $height = isset($this->height[$row])?$this->height[$row]:'';

            $line = "\n<Row ss:Index=\"{$row}\" {$height} >";

            foreach($unit as $cell=> $v){

                $mergeDown = isset($v['mergeDown']) ? 'ss:MergeDown="'.$v['mergeDown'].'"':'';

                $mergeAcross = isset($v['mergeAcross']) ? 'ss:MergeAcross="'.$v['mergeAcross'].'"':'';

                $data = isset($v['data']) ? $v['data']: '';

                $line .= "\n<Cell ss:Index=\"{$cell}\"  {$mergeAcross} {$mergeDown}><Data ss:Type=\"String\">{$data}</Data></Cell>";


            $line .= "\n</Row>";




        return join("",$lines);


    private function displayError($error){

        echo $error;




Use is also very simple

public function actionTest(){


        $xls = new XMLExcel('name');

        $sheet0 = $xls->getSheet(0);


















Stop using private modifiers! You make your code unextensible. Use protected instead.

It is no problem .This is my first time to write extension.

Thanks for your suggestion

Good Sharing.