[EXTENSION] multimodelform/jqrelcopy

Thanks Joblo for fast reply

like this :

‘jsAfterNewId’ => MultiModelForm::afterNewIdDateTimePicker($memberFormConfig[‘elements’][‘jamkerja’]), ::)

for limit still not working for child input…limit max 3.

HI, I just download and start using multimodelform , i have a problem with it

when I submit form data , i get an error

[font=Verdana][size=2]mb_strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given[/size][/font]



I configured my actionCreate() like below:

	public function actionCreate() {




    	$model = new Vendas;


    	//initialize the vars for multimodelform

	$vendaProduto = new VendaProduto();

	$validatedProdutos = array();

    	// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed

    	// $this->performAjaxValidation($model);

    	if (isset($_POST['Vendas'])) {

        	$model->attributes = $_POST['Vendas'];

        	if (MultiModelForm::validate($vendaProduto,$validatedProdutos,$deleteItems) && $model->save()){

            	//the foreign key values for the produtos

            	$masterValues = array ('venda_id'=>$model->id);


        	if (MultiModelForm::save($vendaProduto,$validatedMembers,$deleteMembers,$masterValues))

                    	$this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id));



    	$this->render('create', array(

        	'model' => $model,


        	'validatedProdutos' => $validatedProdutos,



but, the MultiModelForm::validate() return false! Someone’s know whats happening?

If MultiModelForm::validate()returns false, a input validation (checking the model rules()) fails. There should be errors displayed.

Check the errorSummary in the view code too.

Another issue:

You have to use the same variables if you split validate() and save().

if (MultiModelForm::validate($vendaProduto,$validatedProdutos,$deleteItems) && ..



if (MultiModelForm::save($vendaProduto,<img src='http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='???' /> -> $validatedMembers,$deleteMembers <- <img src='http://www.yiiframework.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='???' />?,$masterValues))


Tks! I followed your tips and now its working. The problem was a rule defined for the venda_id attribute (required). I just deleted this rule (after all the line

$masterValues = array('venda_id'=>$model->id);

set this attribute value in actionCreate()) ::)

Hi all,

I’m trying to disable (read only) recorded elements and to leave writable new inputs but with no success…

$formConfig = array(





            'style' => 'width: 380px',

            'disabled'=>($model->status == 1 && !Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('admin')) ? 'disabled' : '',



Can someone explain me how to do this, please?


I tried something like that in my project and couldn’t get it to work so I ended up doing it in JavaScript:

$isadm = CJavaScript::encode(Yii::app()->user->isUserAdmin());


	"var isadm = '$isadm';

	$('.litem').change(function() // class litem is the 1st element in the MMF row


		var itmprice = $(this).parents('td').next().find('.lprice'); // class lprice is the element to enable/disable




			if(isadm == 'false' && data.fixedp == '1')


				itmprice.attr('readonly', true);




				itmprice.attr('readonly', false);










Thanks JFReyes but i need a php way of doing this…

Does anyone have a solution ?


When I click “Add item” it inserts a new row in the html with the “Remove” link but doesn’t add any inputs.

What could be the issue?


Hello friends,

I am geeting error to insllating this extension

What i want to develope is :

  1. Customer

  2. contact persons <-- multiple in one form based on customer_id

below is the error

Property "MultiModelForm.errorIndexes" is not defined.

public function actionCreate()



		$model=new MmCustomer;


		//initialize the vars for multimodelform

		$MmContactperson = new MmContactperson;

		$errorIndex = null;

		// Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed






			//the foreign key values for the contact person

			$masterValues = array ('customer_id'=>$model->customer_id);


			if($model->save() && MultiModelForm::save($MmContactperson,$errorIndexes,$masterValues))




				else if(@$_POST['save_and_new']!='')






			'model'				=>	$model,

			'MmContactperson'		=> $MmContactperson,

			'errorIndexes' 		=> $errorIndexes,

			'validatedItems' 	=> $updateItems,



customer model

public function getMultiModelForm()


		//Can be a config file that returns the configuration too

		// return 'pathtoformconfig.formconfig';

		return array(



						'type'		=> 'text',

						'maxlength'	=> 10,



						'type'		=> 'text',

						'maxlength'	=> 40,


			'mobile'	=>array(

									'type'		=> 'text',

									'maxlength'	=> 40,


		  	'email'	=>array(

						'type'		=> 'text',

						'maxlength'	=> 40,


			'skypeid'	=>array(

						'type'		=> 'text',

						'maxlength'	=> 40,


			'gtalk_id'	=>array(

						'type'		=> 'text',

						'maxlength'	=> 40,







//render the member models


			//a unique widget id

			'id' => 'contactperson_id',  


			//the text for the remove record link

			'removeText' => 'Remove', 


			//see the render call in the controller actions create/update 

			//instance of the member model, 

			'model' => $MmContactperson,  


			//array of positions with invalid records

			'errorIndexes' => $errorIndexes, 

			 'tableView' => true,


			//array of member models

			'validatedItems' => $validatedItems, 


			//array of member models as list of editable members

			'data' => $MmContactperson->findAll('customer_id=:customer_id', array(':customer_id'=>$model->customer_id)),


Thats right, the multimodelform has no ‘errorIndexes’ or ‘updateItems’.

The validateditems are the second parameter of MultimodelForm::save():

public function actionCreate()



                $model=new MmCustomer;


                //initialize the vars for multimodelform

                $MmContactperson = new MmContactperson;

               // $errorIndex = null; <-- wrong

               $validatedItems = array();

                // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed






                        //the foreign key values for the contact person

                        $masterValues = array ('customer_id'=>$model->customer_id);


//<--  use validatedItems as second parameter                        

if($model->save() && MultiModelForm::save($MmContactperson,$validatedItems,$masterValues))




                                else if(@$_POST['save_and_new']!='')






                        'model'                         =>      $model,

                        'MmContactperson'               => $MmContactperson,

                        //'errorIndexes'          => $errorIndexes,  <-- remove this

                        'validatedItems'        => $validatedItems,



And remove

'errorIndexes' => $errorIndexes, 

in the view too.

How do I put AddLink after the table?

The addlink is always rendered at the top.

But maybe you can try to change the position in css for the css-class mmf_addlink or mmf_additem.


I have the following problem with the extension.

While processing the update of 46 items, under $validatedItems only receives 28, works well for transactions less items.

In MultimodelForm.php (6.0.0) line 794:

if (!empty($validatedItems))

{var_dump($validatedItems); die();}


array (size=28)


Any idea?

sorry for my GoogEnglish!!

The data in $_POST are not complete.

var_dump($_POST['Partidas']['u__']); die();

It only shows 27 items and a part of the 28.

Any idea?

Seems to be an issue of POST_MAX_SIZE.

No matter how big do value, POST always cut in the same place, the same on the web server on my localhost.

Since I increased the value of POST_MAX_SIZE but I still have the problem. I know it’s not the topic, but what other way to get that data?


I pass the tip of the solution in case anyone happens.

The problem was not the variable POST_MAX_SIZE, MAX_INPUT_VARS is the variable.

in index.php in the root of the project:


thanks, greetings.

Hello Joblo,

Can you please help me, I am stuck right now. I use you extension that is great extension by the way!

I use CJuiAutoComplete field type, and it only work once. For first field it works, and when I generate another fields (Add item), my second field with CJuiAutoComplete type does not work.

Here is my code:

$carServiceItemsFormConfig = array(












		    // additional javascript options for the autocomplete plugin







		        'placeholder'=&gt;Yii::t('shared','Start typing...'),








I am newbie, but I think that is some problem with some same script ids or something like that.

Thanks in advance!

sir i have error in the update action, see the first picture, then when i fix the validation error i receive error see 2nd picture.