this is the discussion topic for the AlphaPager extension.
Short description:
This extension is an alphanumeric pager consisting of a paginationcomponent and a widget for a linkpager. It’s mainly a modification ofyiis CPagination and CLinkPager classes to achieve a pager which adds aCONDITION to a CDbCriteria instead of LIMIT/OFFSET like the standardpagination does.Therefore it’s possible to page through data (like an addresslist)by selecting a letter (A-Z) for a specified attribute to start with(e.g. the last name).
In addition it’s possible to control a standard pagination as kind of subpagination per letter.
The download and some documentation could be found inside the extension repository: AlphaPager
Edit 2010-11-14:
[size="4"]NEW VERSION 1.3 RELEASED[/size]
With everything needed to include AlphaPager with Grid-/ListView (including AJAX support). ActiveDataProvider, ArrayDataProvider and extended versions of GridView and ListView.
These are reworked versions of those already published within this topic.
Take care when updating from a previous version of Ap, because as mentioned by samdark i’ve updated the file- and classnames to avoid potential naming-conflicts. See README.txt from the package!
If you have any feedback, suggestions or problems you’re welcome to comment!
Best regards