Extending Cdbmigration Class

Hi There,

I want to extend the CDbMigration class because I regularly write migrations and I need to generate Uuid records.

So I have a class like this:

class m130829_193947_addasap extends EzyPortalCDbMigration


	public function up()


            $this->insert("tbl_address", array(

                'active' => '1',

                'createdAt' => time(),

                'modifiedAt' => time(),

                'streetLine1' => '53 Glenvale Crescent',

                'streetLine2' => 'Mulgrave',

                'suburb' => 'Mulgrave',

                'city' => 'Melbourne',

                'postcode' => '3170',

                'region' => 'Victoria',

                'country' => 13,


            $asapPhysicalAddress_id = Yii::app()->db->getLastInsertID();




And in my other file: EzyPortalCDbMigration

class EzyPortalCDbMigration extends CDbMigration


    public function addUuid($table, $recordId )


        require_once 'models/Uuid.php';

        require_once 'components/UuidGenerator.php';

        $uuid = new Uuid;

        $uuid->recordTable = $table;

        $uuid->recordId = $recordId;


        $this->update($table, array('uuid' => $uuid->uuid),'id='.$recordId);



But yiic migrate doesn’t seem to include the path when I run the migration. How do I include the file without having to put require_once ‘models/EzyPortalCDbMigration.php’; or something in the script? Is there a place where i can set it up? I checked here:

// autoloading model and component classes in main.php




but it doesnt seem to include it.

nevermind, I added this to console.php and it seemed to have an effect.




class EzyPortalCDbMigration extends CDbMigration


    public function addUuid($table, $recordId )



        Yii::import('application.components.UuidGenerator'); // <- i think you dont need it here

        $uuid = new Uuid;

        $uuid->recordTable = $table;

        $uuid->recordId = $recordId;


        $this->update($table, array('uuid' => $uuid->uuid),'id='.$recordId);

