I'm having an issue with the clips.
Then I call a widget I created that wraps things up in an html 3x3 table with the center cell with the content:
When I make this call to this class:
The javascript that jui uses, and I've found for CHtml::dropDownList with an ajax ( i don't have that code)
places link and script tags BEFORE the DOCTYPE example:
What am I doing wrong do I have to scriptFile all the scripts first?
below is the requirements checker for the box it's installed on:
This causes the text "<##head##> to appear before the title tag and
at the end of the html
PHP version Passed Yii Framework PHP 5.1.0 or higher is required.
$_SERVER variable Passed Yii Framework
Reflection extension Passed Yii Framework
PCRE extension Passed Yii Framework
SPL extension Passed Yii Framework
DOM extension Passed CWsdlGenerator
PDO extension Passed All DB-related classes
PDO SQLite extension Failed All DB-related classes This is required if you are using SQLite database.
PDO MySQL extension Passed All DB-related classes This is required if you are using MySQL database.
PDO PostgreSQL extension Failed All DB-related classes This is required if you are using PostgreSQL database.
Memcache extension Failed CMemCache
APC extension Failed CApcCache
Mcrypt extension Passed CSecurityManager This is required by encrypt and decrypt methods.
SOAP extension Failed CWebService, CWebServiceAction
GD extension Passed CCaptchaAction
I am thoroughly stumped and expect it may be the version of PHP.
locally I'm on 5.2.8 , but the remote server that's failing is at 5.1.2
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you