Events, Behaviors And Event Handlers


I am having too much confusion with Events, behaviors and Event handlers.

Using this comment I got an understanding about it.

In that comment to execute an event, in User model class, afterSave() method is used.

User.php (Model):

class User extends CActiveRecord


  // some other methods

  public function afterSave()


    if ($this->isNewRecord) 


      if ($this->hasEventHandler('onNewUser')) 


        $event = new CModelEvent($this);








  public function onNewUser($event) 


    $this->raiseEvent('onNewUser', $event);



I have a different scenario, in which after a successful transaction I want to send an email to the user.

Could anyone please tell me or give any advice on, how can I process the afterSave() method in my case.


hi razor101 I think this article will help you to get started… read this article probably you got a idea on how to do this. <a href="">behaviors and events</a>