Event And Behavior

I try atach behavior to component (via config) and set eventheandler to component event from this behavior, but it not working, and i don’t get any errors











class Post extends CApplicationComponent{



    public function init(){




    public function onClicked($event){

        $this->raiseEvent('onClicked', $event);





class PostBehavior extends CBehavior{


    public function events(){


        return array(






    public function postHeandler($event){

        echo "i am behavor !";




public function actionIndex(){







Dear Friend

I am rewriting the code.

Kindly get note of modifications.



       'class'=>'Post', //NOT 'post'








class Post extends CApplicationComponent{



   /* public function init(){  //NO NEED TO OVERIDE THE PARENT INIT METHOD.


    }   */ 


    public function onClicked($event){

        $this->raiseEvent('onClicked', $event);





class PostBehavior extends CBehavior{


    public function events(){


        return array(






    public function postHeandler($event){

        echo "i am behavor !";




public function actionIndex(){



        Yii::app()->post->onClicked(new CEvent);//not $event as it is undefined.



