Error : Unable to load dynamic library php_gd2.dll

PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/php_gd2.dll - /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/php_gd2.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

After updating composer, I got this error. I checked server but gd2 library is available.

I don’t know what to do :huh: Please help me to get out from this. thank you. ::)

Composer has nothing to do with this error.

If one of the updated package started to use gd library the error is an execution one with the code line that call gd function.

The error you get is a startup one, this means that php is unable to load the php_gd2.dll

This can be either because the file is not present (i.e. wrong path) or got corrupted for some reason

Just to be sure, did you do check that the path is exactly the one php is complaining about?

Anyway is strange because php is trying to load a dll (windows system) but the path style is a unix one, under windows should say c:\php\lib…)

Is your webserver under linux or windows?

I contacted my website hosted company. They told like dll library not present in Linux server. How do I get the exact file location. Can you help me out?

If your code is on a webhosting company and you do not have access to the server to check the configuration is up to them to resolve the problem.

Anyway here some tips:

If the server is LINUX

Your webhosting company wrongly added the php_gd2.dll to php configuration

dll extension is WINDOWS ONLY, under linux all extension are .so files in you case is

So it is not a question of module location

Anyway the error already say to you where php is looking for: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/

Just to be sure: do you get this error on your local development environment or on the remote server where you uploaded your project?

Its working perfectly in localhost but its showing error in remote server.

The remote server is LINUX?

Can you access apache/php configuration?

Yes Linux, I can access it. Tell me what to do in that.

And also error page shows the handleFatalError() and server, cookie and session informations and I don’t want others to see it.

So there is a misconfiguration in php

Do you know if it is a Debian based system?

if yes the do the following

cd /etc/php5/mods-available/

grep php_gd2.dll *

This should output in which ini file is the wrong dll call

If is not a debian system then check in which directory php ini files are hold and run grep there